Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Error : Cannot open database requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\

Issue : Cannot open database  requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\.
This type of issues will get if u connecting to database using Windows Authentication mode you have to give permission individually if u install SQL server in Windows Authentication mode.

If u install  SQL server in window authentication by default If you do not choose mixed authentication at the time of SQL Server installation. However these modes can be changed even after installation of SQL Server.

How to Change Windows Authentication To Mixed Mode In SQL Server:

then restart ur Application if possible restart ur Machine then ur issue will clear

Monday, June 25, 2012

Error : How do I change the default developement environment in Visual Studio

Issue : If u selected VB or any other language as the default lDE, but now u want to change to C# or any other,
then proceed the following steps.

1. Choose Tools -> Import and Export Settings...
2. Select Reset All Settings and click Next
3. Select whether you would like to save the current settings and click Next
4. Select the settings you want to use and click Finish

Change Windows Authentication To Mixed Mode In SQL Server

When you install SQL Server by default window authentication is installed If you do not choose mixed authentication at the time of SQL Server installation. However these modes can be changed even after installation of SQL Server. 

Step 1 : Start SQL Server Management Studio
In Object Explorer Right Click In ServerName and Select Properties As Can be seen in following image.
Step 2 : You will Get Server Property Dialogue Box.
In Property Dialogue Box Select Security Option and under Server authentication Select “SQL Server and Window Authentication mode” and Click OK.
Step 3  : Enable “sa” login (Optional)
sa login is disabled by default when SQL Server is installed with window authentication. So when you choose mixed authentication you can also enable sa login (which is disabled by default).
Goto  ServerName in Object Explorer –> Security –> Logins –> Choose sa login name. Right Click on login name (sa) and click properties option see following screen shot.
you get following dialogue box  (login property), Under General Page. You need to set strong password and can choose option like “Enforce Password policy” making you password more secure.
Goto Status Page : See Following Screen Shot and Select Enable. Click Ok.  Now Re-Start SQL Server Service and login with SQL Server Authentication.

Note : Changing Mode From Window To Mixed Or Visa Versa Requires SQL Server Service Restart.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Does your Visual Studio run slow?

Here are some of the good ones I found that worked.

Window > Close All Documents

Disable the customer feedback component

In some scenarios Visual Studio may try to collect anonymous statistics about your code when closing a project, even if you opted out of the customer feedback program. To stop this time-consuming behaviour, find this registry key:
and rename it to something invalid:

Clear Visual Studio temp files

Deleting the contents of the following temp directories can fix a lot of performance issues with Visual Studio and web projects:
C:\Users\richardd\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\siteName

Clear out the project MRU list

Apparently Visual Studio sometimes accesses the files in your your recent projects list at random times, e.g. when saving a file. I have no idea why it does this, but it can have a big performance hit, especially if some are on a network share that is no longer available.
To clear your recent project list out, delete any entries from the following path in the registry:

Disable AutoRecover

In nearly four years, I have never used Visual Studio’s AutoRecover feature to recover work. These days, source control and saving regularly almost entirely eliminates the need for it.
To disable it and gain some performance (particularly with large solutions), go to Tools >Options > Environment > AutoRecover and uncheck Save AutoRecovery information. (Cheers Jake for the tip)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Upload and Download files in C#.NET

<%@ Page Language="C#"  AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
head runat="server">
form id="form1" runat="server">
   table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="tbl">
 table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="tblButton">
  asp:Button ID="btnDownload" Text="Download" runat="server" OnClick="btnDownload_Click" />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.IO;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String filePath = FileUpload1.FileName;
    String strFileName = "";
    if (FileUpload1.PostedFile != null)
       HttpPostedFile file = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
      //Get the size of the file so you can read the file
      int contentLen = file.ContentLength;
      if (contentLen > 0)
          strFileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
 protected void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  string fileName = "Amazon.txt";
  string filePath = Server.MapPath(fileName);
  Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filePath);
  Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Google Maps Control for ASP.Net

Hide the console window in "C# Console Application"

To hide the console window right click the project -> Properties -> Application in Visual Studio , under Output type select "Windows Application"

Article : Label vs Literal in ASP.NET

Unlike the Label control, the Literal control does not render any additional html tags thats why the best practice says: never use the ASP.NET Label control when a Literal can do the job. In different cases we use the Literal/Label controls to label input controls without knowing the difference between them. The below should help you to decide which control you should use when building asp.net web application.
Label vs Literal:

The Label web server control is used to label other controls on an aspx web page/UserControl. It is used to display text with the ability to change the style (appearing) of the displayed text.
Inheritance Hierarchy:System.Object
<asp:Label ID="lblFirstName" runat="server" CssClass="myCssClass" Text="First Name" />
It will be rendered as:
<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblFirstName" class="myCssClass">First Name</span>
(NB: the id of the Label is related to the structure of your asp page and if you are using MasterPage or not)

Use the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal control to reserve a location on the Web page to display text. The Literal control is similar to the Label control, except the Literal control does not allow you to apply a style to the displayed text. You can programmatically control the text displayed in the control by setting the Text property.
Inheritance Hierarchy:
<asp:Literal id="litFirstName" runat="server" Text="First Name" />It will be rendered as:

First Name

Tips to improve asp.net application performance

To increase the performance of an asp.net web application, in this post I offered some tips that I've found useful for writing high-performance ASP.NET applications:
  • Deploy with ‘Release' build and ensure ‘Debug' is set to false in the web.config
Make sure you use Release Build mode and not Debug Build when you deploy your site to production. When you create the application, by default the attribute ‘Debug' is set to "true" in the web.config which is very useful while developing. However, when you are deploying your application, always set it to "false". <compilation debug="false" ... />
  • Disable ViewState if you don’t need it
The ViewState is not needed when the following conditions are true:
a)The page does not post back (if it is used only to display data, only output page)
b)The events of the server controls are not handled
c)The controls are repopulated on each page refresh
  • Consider using caching
Caching avoids redundant work. If you use caching properly, you can avoid unnecessary database lookups and other expensive operations.ASP.NET allows you to cache entire pages, fragment of pages or controls. You can cache also variable data by specifying the parameters that the data depends. By using caching you help ASP.NET engine to return data for repeated request for the same page much faster.
  • Consider using HTTP compression
HTTP compression is supported by most modern browsers and by IIS. HTTP Compression is a define a way to compress content transferred from Web servers across the World Wide Web to browsers. The impact of compression is that the number of transmitted bytes is reduced and thus a higher performance is gained.
  • Consider disabling tracing
Before you deploy your application, disable tracing because it is not recommended to turn it on while the application is running in production. Tracing may cause performance issues.
<trace enabled="false" pageOutput="false" />
  • Consider using paging for large result sets
Paging large query result sets can significantly improve the performance of an application. The paging can be done at the SQL procedure level this will reduces the back-end work on the database, it be done at the server level to reduce the size of data that is sent to the client and that will be rendered as Html content.
  • Use 'using' statment to dispose resources
The using statement defines a scope at the end of which an object will be disposed even if an exception is thrown, please note that the object that you are trying to dispose should implement 'System.IDisposable'.The following code fragment demonstrates this. using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(commandString, cn))
  • Stored Procedures
Stored procedures provide improved performance to your asp.net application. When you develop stored procedures, keep the following recommendations in mind:
Use Set NOCOUNT ON in stored procedures, if you turn on the NOCOUNT option, stored procedures will not return the row-count information to the client, and this will prevent SQL Server from sending the DONE_IN_PROC message for each statement in the stored procedure.
· Do not use the sp_ prefix for custom stored procedures, Microsoft does not recommend to use the prefix "sp_" in the user-created stored procedure name, because SQL Server always looks for a stored procedure beginning with "sp_" in the master database.
  • String Management
Use the += operator when the number of appends is known.
Use the StringBuilder object when the number of appends is unknown.

  • Consider using DTO pattern
In some cases to satisfy a single client request it require making multiple calls to the remote interface, so instead of doing multiple calls consider using Data Transfer Object (DTO) that holds all the data required by the remote call in one single object.
  • Consider using Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect
Both cause a new page to be processed, but the interaction between the client and server is different in each situation. Server.Transfer acts as an efficient replacement for the Response.Redirect method. Response.Redirect specifies to the browser to request a different page. Because a redirect forces a new page request, the browser makes two requests to the Web server, so the Web server handles an extra request. IIS 5.0 introduced a new function, Server.Transfer, which transfers execution to a different ASP page on the server. This avoids the extra request, resulting in better overall system performance

 Reference : Checklist for Performance Improvement http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647706.aspx

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

ASP.Net Page-Life-Cycle

ASP.NET Page-Life-Cycle :

Page Life Cycle

ASP.NET Engine


The .NET Framework provides support to developers to create new application. It consists of all the necessary components to develop and run programs on our computers. some of the components are as follows:
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • Common Type System (CTS)
  • Assemblies
  • Base Class Library
  • Windows Forms
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
  • LINQ
CLR (Common Languate Runtime) :
CLR is the most prominent component of .NET framework. As the name itself indicates that it is Runtime for the applications that are developed in .NET. It provides a runtime environment to the code and serves several services to the application like memory management, exception handling, security, threading, verification and compilation etc,. We can say in one sentence that “CLR manages code execution at runtime by managing every resource that possibly involved or necessary to complete the task”.
Managed code and Unmanaged code:
Managed Code:
Managed code is the code that is executed directly by the CLR. The applications that are created using managed code will have CLR components like automatic garbage collection type checking. These components will provide platform and language independence to managed code applications. The CLR compiles the applications to Intermediate Language (IL) not to machine language. This intermediate language describes the attribute, classes and methods the code in the assembly.  Intermediate Language is CPU independent, which must be converted to CPU understandable code which will be done by JIT Compiler (Just In Time Compiler) just before execution. Native code is a CPU specific code which is the output of the JIT Compiler that can actually runs in the runtime.
Unmanaged Code :
Unmanaged code can be directly compiled to machine code and  can run on the machine where it has been compiled. since it has no components like memory management and other prominent servies it might get manipulated and may cause harmful issues.

Common Type System ( CTS ) :
The CTS specifies guidelines for using, creating and managing data types at runtime. It is a included module in the runtime environment for supporting multilingual system. Main functions of CTS are as follows
  1. Helps in Cross language communication, type safety, and performance efficiency of code providing a framework.
  2.  Supports Object-Oriented model for implementation of different programming languages.
  3. Provides guidelines for different languages to follow, ensuring proper interaction between objects of different languages.
  4. Suooirts primitive data types, such as Byte, Char, Int Boolean that are used in the process of developoment of an application.
Assemblies and Metadata:
Generally an assembly is a unit that consists of four elements manifest, type metadata, IL Code and resources. A metadata is binary info that describes a program, stored in a CLR or in the memory. When compilation is going on a PE File(Portable Executable) the meta data is inserted into a part of file while code converted into IL which will be inserted into other part of file. Metadata describes every attribute we have. While executing the program CLR loads this meta data into memory and find information about all classes and methods needed to execute the application. The description of attributes in the metadata are language neutral, which includes identities like name, version, culture, public key, type of assembly, reference assemblies, permissions, Information about names, visibility, base class, interfaces used, and members.

Reference MSN,Dotnet4u

Friday, June 15, 2012

Number To Word JavaScript

        function Convert(rupeeval) {

            var rVal = rupeeval;
            rVal = Math.floor(rVal);
            var rup = new String(rVal);
            rupRev = rup.split("");
            actualNumber = rupRev.reverse();

            if (Number(rVal) >= 0) {

            else {
                alert('Number cannot be converted');
                return false;
            if (Number(rVal) == 0) {
                document.getElementById('wordValue').innerHTML = rup + '' + 'Rupees Zero Only';
                return false;
            if (actualNumber.length > 9) {
                alert('the Number is too big to covertes');
                return false;

            var numWords = ["Zero", " One", " Two", " Three", " Four", " Five", " Six", " Seven", " Eight", " Nine"];
            var numPlace = ['Ten', ' Eleven', ' Twelve', ' Thirteen', ' Fourteen', ' Fifteen', ' Sixteen', ' Seventeen', ' Eighteen', ' Nineteen'];
            var tPlace = ['dummy', ' Ten', ' Twenty', ' Thirty', ' Forty', ' Fifty', ' Sixty', ' Seventy', ' Eighty', ' Ninety'];

            var numWordsLength = rupRev.length;
            var totalWords = "";
            var numtoWords = new Array();
            var finalWord = "";
            j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < numWordsLength; i++) {
                switch (i) {
                    case 0:
                        if (actualNumber[i] == 0 || actualNumber[i + 1] == 1) {
                            numtoWords[j] = '';
                        else {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]];
                        numtoWords[j] = numtoWords[j] + ' Only';
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        if (actualNumber[i] == 0) {
                            numtoWords[j] = '';
                        else if (actualNumber[i - 1] != 0 && actualNumber[i - 2] != 0) {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]] + ' Hundred and';
                        else {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]] + ' Hundred';
                    case 3:
                        if (actualNumber[i] == 0 || actualNumber[i + 1] == 1) {
                            numtoWords[j] = '';
                        else {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]];
                        if (actualNumber[i + 1] != 0 || actualNumber[i] > 0) {
                            numtoWords[j] = numtoWords[j] + " Thousand";
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                        if (actualNumber[i] == 0 || actualNumber[i + 1] == 1) {
                            numtoWords[j] = '';
                        else {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]];
                        if (actualNumber[i + 1] != 0 || actualNumber[i] > 0) {
                            numtoWords[j] = numtoWords[j] + " Lakh";
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
                        if (actualNumber[i] == 0 || actualNumber[i + 1] == 1) {
                            numtoWords[j] = '';
                        else {
                            numtoWords[j] = numWords[actualNumber[i]];
                        numtoWords[j] = numtoWords[j] + " Crore";
                    case 8:

            function CTen() {
                if (actualNumber[i] == 0) {
                    numtoWords[j] = '';
                else if (actualNumber[i] == 1) {
                    numtoWords[j] = numPlace[actualNumber[i - 1]];
                else {
                    numtoWords[j] = tPlace[actualNumber[i]];
            for (i = 0; i < numtoWords.length; i++) {
                finalWord += numtoWords[i];



What's the Difference between WCF and Web Services?


In this article, I will explain the difference between ASP.NET web service and WCF services like ASP.NET web services. I will also discuss how we use both the technologies for developing the web services.


Web Service in ASP.NET

A Web Service is programmable application logic accessible via standard Web protocols. One of these Web protocols is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is a W3C submitted note (as of May 2000) that uses standards based technologies (XML for data description and HTTP for transport) to encode and transmit application data.
Consumers of a Web Service do not need to know anything about the platform, object model, or programming language used to implement the service; they only need to understand how to send and receive SOAP messages (HTTP and XML).

WCF Service

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application. An endpoint can be a client of a service that requests data from a service endpoint. The messages can be as simple as a single character or word sent as XML, or as complex as a stream of binary data.
In what scenarios must WCF be used
  • A secure service to process business transactions.
  • A service that supplies current data to others, such as a traffic report or other monitoring service.
  • A chat service that allows two people to communicate or exchange data in real time.
  • A dashboard application that polls one or more services for data and presents it in a logical presentation.
  • Exposing a workflow implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation as a WCF service.
  • A Silverlight application to poll a service for the latest data feeds.

Features of WCF

  • Service Orientation
  • Interoperability
  • Multiple Message Patterns
  • Service Metadata
  • Data Contracts
  • Security
  • Multiple Transports and Encodings
  • Reliable and Queued Messages
  • Durable Messages
  • Transactions
  • AJAX and REST Support
  • Extensibility

Difference between Web Service in ASP.NET & WCF Service

WCF is a replacement for all earlier web service technologies from Microsoft. It also does a lot more than what is traditionally considered as "web services".
WCF "web services" are part of a much broader spectrum of remote communication enabled through WCF. You will get a much higher degree of flexibility and portability doing things in WCF than through traditional ASMX because WCF is designed, from the ground up, to summarize all of the different distributed programming infrastructures offered by Microsoft. An endpoint in WCF can be communicated with just as easily over SOAP/XML as it can over TCP/binary and to change this medium is simply a configuration file mod. In theory, this reduces the amount of new code needed when porting or changing business needs, targets, etc.
ASMX is older than WCF, and anything ASMX can do so can WCF (and more). Basically you can see WCF as trying to logically group together all the different ways of getting two apps to communicate in the world of Microsoft; ASMX was just one of these many ways and so is now grouped under the WCF umbrella of capabilities.
Web Services can be accessed only over HTTP & it works in stateless environment, where WCF is flexible because its services can be hosted in different types of applications. Common scenarios for hosting WCF services are IIS,WAS, Self-hosting, Managed Windows Service.
The major difference is that Web Services Use XmlSerializer. But WCF Uses DataContractSerializerwhich is better in Performance as compared to XmlSerializer.

Key issues with XmlSerializer to serialize .NET types to XML

  • Only Public fields or Properties of .NET types can be translated into XML
  • Only the classes which implement IEnumerable interface
  • Classes that implement the IDictionary interface, such as Hash table cannot be serialized

Important difference between DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer

  • A practical benefit of the design of the DataContractSerializer is better performance overXmlserializer.
  • XML Serialization does not indicate which fields or properties of the type are serialized into XML whereasDataCotractSerializer
  • Explicitly shows the which fields or properties are serialized into XML
  • The DataContractSerializer can translate the HashTable into XML

Using the Code

The development of web service with ASP.NET relies on defining data and relies on the XmlSerializer to transform data to or from a service.

Key issues with XmlSerializer to serialize .NET types to XML

  • Only Public fields or Properties of .NET types can be translated into XML
  • Only the classes which implement IEnumerable interface
  • Classes that implement the IDictionary interface, such as Hash table cannot be serialized
The WCF uses the DataContractAttribute and DataMemeberAttribute to translate .NET FW types into XML.
public class Item 
    public string ItemID; 
    public decimal ItemQuantity; 
    public decimal ItemPrice;
The DataContractAttribute can be applied to the class or a strcture. DataMemberAttribute can be applied to field or a property and theses fields or properties can be either public or private.
Important difference between DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer.
  • A practical benefit of the design of the DataContractSerializer is better performance over XML serialization.
  • XML Serialization does not indicate which fields or properties of the type are serialized into XML whereasDataContractSerializer explicitly shows which fields or properties are serialized into XML.
  • The DataContractSerializer can translate the HashTable into XML.

Developing Service

To develop a service using ASP.NET, we must add the WebService attribute to the class andWebMethodAttribute to any of the class methods.
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService 
      public string Test(string strMsg) 
          return strMsg; 
To develop a service in WCF, we will write the following code:
public interface ITest 
       string ShowMessage(string strMsg); 
public class Service : ITest 
       public string ShowMessage(string strMsg) 
          return strMsg; 
The ServiceContractAttribute specifies that an interface defines a WCF service contract,
OperationContract attribute indicates which of the methods of the interface defines the operations of the service contract.
A class that implements the service contract is referred to as a service type in WCF.

Hosting the Service

ASP.NET web services are compiled into a class library assembly and a service file with an extension .asmx will have the code for the service. The service file is copied into the root of the ASP.NET application and Assemblywill be copied to the bin directory. The application is accessible using URL of the service file.
WCF Service can be hosted within IIS or WindowsActivationService.
  • Compile the service type into a class library
  • Copy the service file with an extension .SVC into a virtual directory and assembly into bin sub directory of the virtual directory.
  • Copy the web.config file into the virtual directory.

Client Development

Clients for the ASP.NET Web services are generated using the command-line tool WSDL.EXE.
WCF uses the ServiceMetadata tool (svcutil.exe) to generate the client for the service.

Message Representation

The Header of the SOAP Message can be customized in ASP.NET Web service.
WCF provides attributes MessageContractAttributeMessageHeaderAttribute andMessageBodyMemberAttribute to describe the structure of the SOAP Message.

Service Description

Issuing a HTTP GET Request with query WSDL causes ASP.NET to generate WSDL to describe the service. It returns the WSDL as a response to the request.
The generated WSDL can be customized by deriving the class of ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension.
Issuing a Request with the query WSDL for the .svc file generates the WSDL. The WSDL that generated by WCF can be customized by using ServiceMetadataBehavior class.

Exception Handling

In ASP.NET Web services, unhandled exceptions are returned to the client as SOAP faults.
In WCF Services, unhandled exceptions are not returned to clients as SOAP faults. A configuration setting is provided to have the unhandled exceptions returned to clients for the purpose of debugging.