Friday, July 27, 2012

Creating Dynamic Menu Bar C#.Net

Here is the example for the Dynamic Menu creation..
U need to create css for the static and dynamic styles,
Important thing is the menu id , Menu ID should be minimum (maintain around 10 charaters) , I spent lot of time to identify the Issue which created by menu id , I was given over 30+ character which makes effect on total Controls which is available on the page..

private Panel CreateDynamicMenuBar(List<string> Permissions, string GroupName)
        Menu MyMenu = new Menu();
        MyMenu.ID = "menu";
        MyMenu.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
        MyMenu.StaticDisplayLevels = 1;
        MyMenu.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
        MyMenu.StaticMenuStyle.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(0);
        MyMenu.StaticMenuItemStyle.HorizontalPadding = Unit.Pixel(0);
        MyMenu.CssClass = "treemenustyle2";
        MyMenu.StaticMenuItemStyle.CssClass = "StaticItem1";
        MyMenu.StaticHoverStyle.CssClass = "StaticHighlight1";
        MyMenu.DynamicMenuStyle.CssClass = "ie8fix";
        MyMenu.DynamicMenuItemStyle.CssClass = "DynamicItem1";
        MyMenu.DynamicHoverStyle.CssClass = "DynamicHighlight1";
        MyMenu.DynamicSelectedStyle.CssClass = "DyanamicSelected1";
        MyMenu.StaticSelectedStyle.CssClass = "StaticSelected1";
        MyMenu.MenuItemClick += new MenuEventHandler(this.Menutasks_SelectedItemChanged);
        foreach (var v in Permissions)
            string permissions = v;
            MenuItem item = null;
            item = new MenuItem( permissions );
            item.ToolTip = permissions[1];
        Panel menupannel = new Panel();
        return menupannel;

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