Monday, June 25, 2012

Change Windows Authentication To Mixed Mode In SQL Server

When you install SQL Server by default window authentication is installed If you do not choose mixed authentication at the time of SQL Server installation. However these modes can be changed even after installation of SQL Server. 

Step 1 : Start SQL Server Management Studio
In Object Explorer Right Click In ServerName and Select Properties As Can be seen in following image.
Step 2 : You will Get Server Property Dialogue Box.
In Property Dialogue Box Select Security Option and under Server authentication Select “SQL Server and Window Authentication mode” and Click OK.
Step 3  : Enable “sa” login (Optional)
sa login is disabled by default when SQL Server is installed with window authentication. So when you choose mixed authentication you can also enable sa login (which is disabled by default).
Goto  ServerName in Object Explorer –> Security –> Logins –> Choose sa login name. Right Click on login name (sa) and click properties option see following screen shot.
you get following dialogue box  (login property), Under General Page. You need to set strong password and can choose option like “Enforce Password policy” making you password more secure.
Goto Status Page : See Following Screen Shot and Select Enable. Click Ok.  Now Re-Start SQL Server Service and login with SQL Server Authentication.

Note : Changing Mode From Window To Mixed Or Visa Versa Requires SQL Server Service Restart.

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